
reduce stress and anxiety so you can reclaim your life


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Are you struggling to maintain healthy boundaries and routines?


Do you struggle with self-care because you feel guilty?


Are you tired of therapy that focuses on the past and doesn’t provide tools nor a plan ?


Would you love to feel more strong,confident and healthy every single day?





I know the wide spectrum of emotions you’re feeling because I’ve been there too.

I spent 16+ years feeling defeated, sad, and overwhelmed with chronic stress, pain and illness. What did I struggle with? You name it, I probably had it lol; Back pain, ankle pain, IBS, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic sinus infections, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue/burnout, etc. I was on medical leave from school three different times and often my Summer and Spring Breaks were spent lying on the couch and just trying to deal.

I deeply understand the daily struggles and how it literally takes over your life. I remember feeling like this would always be my fate. I was so unhappy that I wasn’t able to participate in many activities that I had once taken for granted, like traveling, working out, etc I was angry, sad, and anxious and so I distanced myself from friends and family. I felt so alone. Mainly because no-one understood what I was going through, but also because no one could give me any clear answers.  On top of all of this, I was super empathic and didn’t even realize, nor did I have the tools to help myself. This perpetual cycle of despair ensued.

I felt like a burden around loved ones, super uncomfortable asking for help or support.  So hard on myself, feeling guilty and ashamed for not having it together. I spent years trying to figure out “what was wrong with me”. This question ran on repeat in my mind and kept me in the victim loop for years.

I needed support from someone who had been in my shoes, regained their health, and believed I could do the same.  I was told by everyone in the medical community that I’d suffer from nerve pain and myriad of debilitating symptoms forever. I wanted more. I was surviving day to day, sometimes just barely; but I certainly wasn’t living a life of joy or purpose.


“TO HEAL, I knew I needed to invest in myself & make myself a priority!”



Here’s what I did:

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I needed to be around people with positive and nurturing approaches, not just the standard doom and gloom of Western medicine, with labels and symptoms. Reiki, energy healers, Ayurveda, holistic and integrative doctors, qi gong, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, therapists, Chinese medicine, etc. You name it, I tried it all!

These healers and practitioners believed I could heal without medication and band-aid remedies. The problem was, I couldn’t do it on my own. I was dependent on them to “save” me. And most of the time, they didn’t even work.

The magic happened once I learned about the Mind-Body Syndrome, read about TMS- (thank you Dr.John Sarno + Steve Ozanich!) regulated my nervous system and increased my self-worth. Understanding that stress + fear fueled my symptoms and that emotions live in the body was key. So if we don’t “feel” them, they come out sideways. In my case, emotions showed up as chronic pain. For some, it’s anger or years of shame, sadness, etc. The pain is trying to protect us and learning this changed everything. It was simple and although not easy, my life completely upleveled.

So I stopped seeing others to heal me and I became my own damn healer.

I finally learned how to listen and accept my body.  I felt more balanced and capable of supporting myself.

Today I’m thriving and completely pain-free! I quit my dead-end teaching job and turned my pain into my purpose. Now I work with companies and clients all over the world! There’s no need to struggle and do it alone. As your Stress and Chronic Pain Coach, I’m not just available during our weekly coaching calls. There are check-ins and accountability (via an app I use) because I know it can be so frustrating and unfortunately healing isn’t linear. I’m your biggest cheerleader who will hold you accountable so you achieve your health goals + dream life. Let me help you save thousands of dollars and years of your time, trying to figure it out on your own.  

Now’s your chance to be empowered, nurtured, and validated for who and where you are!

If you’re ready to take the first step towards your pain-free and healthy life- (here’s the deal; you’ll never be “ready”, you just need to take your next step. Remember it’s ok to have fear; but turn that into courage instead).

join me on a complimentary call to see how I can support you on your journey.


"I've been using Jeannie's simple & effective advice for over 8 years." Mike Merina

